Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Arrowhead Shadow Box

Obsidian Arrowhead
Over 100 years ago, my grandmother found these arrowheads and trading beads while wandering the fields near Enterprise, Oregon. She passed along this childhood treasure to my mother, who passed them along to me.

They lived in an old tin, wrapped in cloth and tucked away at the back of a desk drawer, only to be re-discovered on those occasional desk cleanings.

It seemed a shame not to enjoy & share their beauty more often. An inexpensive piece of suede-like fabric, heavy thread (mine was like a tapestry yarn) and a shadow box solved the problem.

I asked one of my artsy daughters to put it all together. She used a tapestry needle and yarn to fix the arrowheads to the cloth. Now my grandmother's collection is enjoyed daily by the family and all who come to visit.

I would be interested to learn more about these artifacts. I wonder, for example, if the one on the top right is a drilling tool or an arrowhead?

How do you display your favorite heirloom collections? I'd love to hear from you!

Eastern Oregon Arrowhead Collection Shadow Box

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